The following is a selection of articles by Prue Shaw. To read, click on the title.
The following is a selection of articles by Prue Shaw. To read, click on the title.
‘The intentional fallacy and Benedetto Croce’, in Reflexivity: Critical Themes in the Italian Cultural Tradition, edited by Prue Shaw and John Took, Longo, Ravenna, 2000, pp. 95-117.
‘A Reading of Purgatorio XXVI’, in Dante and his Literary Precursors, edited by John C. Barnes and Jennifer Petrie, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2007, pp. 235-259.
‘Un secondo manoscritto londinese della Monarchia’, in Studi Danteschi, LXXVI 2011, pp. 223-264.
‘The Stemma Codicum of Dante’s Monarchia: A Refutation of Renello’s Hypothesis’, in Dante as Political Theorist: Reading Monarchia, Edited and with an Introduction by Maria Luisa Ardizzone, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018, pp. 167-89.
‘Transmission History’, in The Cambridge Companion to Dante’s Commedia, edited by Zygmunt Barański and Simon Gilson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, pp. 229-244
‘Monarchia’, by Paolo Chiesa and Prue Shaw, in Dante e il suo tempo nelle biblioteche fiorentine, a cura di Gabriella Albanese, Sandro Bertelli, Sonia Gentili, Giorgio Inglese, Paolo Pontari, Tomo I, Mandragora, Firenze, 2021, pp. 243-250.
‘La situazione ecdotica della Monarchia alla luce di due nuovi testimoni: il ms. Add. 6891 della British Library e la traduzione tedesca di Johannes Heroldt (1559)’, in Società Dantesca Italiana, Lopereseguite. Atti degli Incontri sulle Opere di Dante IV, De vulgari eloquentia, Monarchia, Sismel, Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze, 2022, pp. 301-325.
ISBN 978-88-9290-194-0
‘Introducción’ to Luis Castellvì Laukamp’s Spanish translation of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s The Triumph of Life.
ISBN 978-84-18935-83-1